Saturday, April 3, 2010

Oh hey 2010...and by that I mean April..

Hola strangers.
Yes it has been months since my last post. I blame it on the ebb and flow of la vida... really I have just recently been able to stabilize my life enought to actually sit down and write (coherently) about it. Just barely mind you, because I am still not certain that I can make heads or tails of anything that is going on... But i will try my best.

I have returned to my blogging adventures because, as I have said before, I just really love to write. When I get to write about myself, that's just icing on the cake. Truth be told, one of my favorite things about blogging is the fact that I get to write like I am talking to an audience. It's fun to imagine that i have tons of fans reading my page and hanging with bated breath on my every word, when in reality I know that all 4 of you that might (key word might) actually read this probably haven't noticed my prolonged absence. Sigh, one day.....

So, on this lovely Saturday afternoon on Easter weekend, I am sitting here at work (not at home with the fam, don't even get me started...) whiling away the hour and a half or so that I have left, thinking about how fast things in life can throw you on your ass.

A lot has changed for me in the past 3 months. I've quit a job, gotten a job as a server, gotten another job (in my career field), and consequently have been forced to make real-life, big-girl decisions that i would have preferred to put off until after I graduated college and spent the summer playing and sleeping over at my boyfriend's.

Don't get me wrong, these new developments are very exciting. I mean how many people get to say they have a job in their career field in hand when they graduate from college? In this economy? But the transition from college life to big girl life is one that is neither fun nor easy. Although the sizeable pay increase helps a little.

What I mean to say is that I am certainly, if not willingly, embarking on a new phase in my life.And i feel it is important to write about it so that I can look back at this years from now and figure out how on earth i made sense of everything. Hence-blogging...Ah it all comes full circle.

So.As of right now I am a 22 year old living in a college town, trying to pay off my car and my laptop, working as a server (which, i really don't think is my thing, but we'll get to that later) and a weekend assignment editor for the number 1 local station (psuedo name-dropping ha), not so patiently awaiting graduation and the subsequent move of my other half from six hours away to zero hours away (i.e. here). And all the while trying to figure out which way is, in fact, up. It's a party, let me tell you :)

I am learning a lot about myself in this process of putting on my big girl pants and doing big things. Good and bad. And i mean i think that is the whole point. So in that aspect I would say I'm right on track.However, i am most definitely not on track with my spanish paper, nor my 15 minute documentary piece on social media for my thesis, and that's probably what i should be doing now... but this was just way more fun.

For now I will leave you with this wonderful procrastination tool. It came up on my stumble page today:
build your own kaleidoscope <--it's neato.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

what a week

ok. i would like to put in a petition that this week be off the records.
i could not get it together this week for anything! i couldn't concentrate on homework, i was moody, i was tired all the time, my work outs were off, and i was just generally not feeling it.
I do not believe i am totally at fault here, however:
a. It did not stop raining in knoxville for two straight weeks until yesterday. i went to the tanning bed just so that my skin would remember what melanin was. when the sun finally came out it was so bright my eyes didn't really know what to do with themselves.
b. when my mood is off, it is very difficult for me to reorient myself into productivity.
c. sleepiness is very difficult to overcome when your bed is as comfortable as mine is.
d. i have discovered the futility of homework. i mean really, my spanish homework is not going to get me a job when i graduate. my editing homework is useless because i don't want to work in newspapers. and i mean lets be honest it just really isn't that difficult for me to convince myself that this is in fact true and that i need not do my homework at all.
I'm sure i will be singing a different (saddened and humbled) tune come midterms, which by the way is only two short weeks in the future. ugh.
i think another reason for my less-than-productiveness this week is due to the fact that i am anxiously awaiting this weekend. for the simple fact alone that i do not have to go to class would be enough, but i am really excited because lkj and i are having a little rendezvous in nashville saturday. the distance has made itself much more known this semester for some reason, and it has not been as easy to reconcile with. we always have a good time in nashville anyway, and it being just the two of us makes it even more exciting.
i would go on a bit longer but i am heading out of work a little bit early this evening (i would expect nothing less out of myself this week ha.) on to a night out with the ladies. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

i just love football season.
Sundays become a much cooler day of the week during football season (no offense God. you know i'm still down for praying and stuff. i'm just saying 0=] )
this Sunday has been particularly enjoyable. mostly because i finally got to rest for 2.5 and i actually cleaned up my apartment. it really makes all the difference. it was a wreck for going on a full week. let me just tell you why.
my weeks are straight booked these days. monday through thursday my life consists of class, hw, work, tv station, and trying to work out if it all possible. fridays are usually my chill days where i can get in a longer exercise or some shopping or cleaning.. that was not the case this week, however, because of my little labor day vacay. (notice i have not posted anything since before last weekend...) i stayed in Memphis until monday (of course) and got back late that night with a little stomach bug.. because i stayed i obviously did not make it to my usual monday shift at wbir.. so i had to go in on friday. it was a good shift though i got to go around doing some live shots with one of the photogs. for the live show at 4 we met some cool folks with winnebagos that come up for every home game with a fleet of other winnebagos. really cool (and incredibly expensive) gig.. maybe one day..
i definitely took repreive from the busy week on friday night with a little debauchery...but that just made waking up on saturday all the more difficult.. yesterday i spent the day as an espn intern again. this time i followed around Erin Andrews (who i'm sure requires no introduction for any male) the sports reporter. I held the light for her whenever she went on camera (and also for the other 2.5 hours of the game haha, my shoulders are a bit sore today.) It was really neat because i was all over the field before and after the game, and right on the sidelines during. i always love working with them, i feel so important haha. so after chasing Erin for the whole game and what not, i was exhausted.. i soo enjoyed going home last night and going almost directly to bed.
today i woke up feeling refreshed and relazed, albeit somewhat sore. I got a good work out in, got my laundry done, and now i am finishing up a relatively productive work shift.. And i WILL squeeze in some shopping this evening. (seriously have not been able to go shopping for being so busy and it is driving me crazy..) i think i'll make some tacos.
looking forward to a chill evening before it all starts again..
oh by the by..INDI 14 Jax 12. i just love you peyton manning.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

un corto

As the name implies, this one is going to be a short one. I just wanted to get in a post before the weekend.
My goal with this here online blogging mechanism is to try to keep myself in converational writing mode all the time. That is one thing I have taken from my internship already is that you have to write the news like you were talking to a friend, because writing like you are smarter than everyone else does not sell.. But even beyond that aspect I like to write and I need to make myself stay in the habit of it. and I mean it's really easy to talk about myself so.. walah (sp?)
So it is Thursday evening, I am about to go home, I am definitely already in weekend mode, and I have to say I am feeling pretty good that I made it through my first full week of legit life. I figured out that I really do have time for everything (including showers..) and that you can do a lot with three hours (especially if you turn it into four and a half hours by conveniently missing your last class... don't say lectures aren't mandatory if you don't really mean it..) All in all it was a very successful week I feel like, and that is all the motivation I need to power through this semester.
This weekend I am memphis-bound to spend the labor day holiday with the moms and lkj. I am more excited about (well, not dreading quite as much, let's not get carried away..) the drive than I would normally be because now I have yodi! Yodi is my new car, which is an o8 Toyota Yaris. It's a cute black little 2 door and I have had it for about 3 weeks. I just love yodi the yaris. It makes me happy everytime I drive it :) That might wear away after about 6 straight hours but hey..
Well I believe that is quite enough nonsense for one little post.
Espero que todos tienen un buen fin de semana larga y disfrutan en los festividades. hasta!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It's only tuesday..
Seriously, i feel like it has been a week.
We are in the full swing of things now. I am in the first legit week of my new life, which consists of 10-15 hours per week at the TV station (which, by the by, is unpaid), 10.5 hours per week at my on campus job, and 5 classes (4 of which are on the same day..) I managed to squeeze in a workout between class and work today but only because I felt it completely necessary and I know that if I don't figure out a time to do it I just won't and well that just will not be a good thing. Best keep things moving yes?
So I am on the last leg of the day. I am at work right now, with about an hour left, and then i am going home and doing whatever requires the least amount of brainpower. Probably sleeping.
This new life of mine has inspired a lot of thinking, albeit somewhat frantic and confusing, about what real life (that is, life outside of my comfy college bubble) is going to be like. Yesterday was my first day at the tv station.. Aside from a few meetings and phone calls I shadowed a reporter for most of the day. We got a couple interviews, took some good footage, did some editing, pretty much all the basics. It was really exciting to see how a day as a reporter actually goes. You learn about all these things in classes but it doesn't really make sense until you see it actually working. I could actually visualize myself in the job, it was pretty neat. But it also shed some light on just how stressful the field that I am joining is going to be. I mean dude was saying that it is really important to keep a balance between your news life and your regular life because if you don't, they will absolutely work the hell out of you. Meanwhile he is getting flack from somebody above him about not answering his cell phone on his day off.. It was all very intense, and so real, which made it even scarier.
As if this dose of wake-up-and-smell-the-real-world was insufficient, chatter has already begun among family about making plans for my graduation. I must admit this makes me really really excited. (May 12th 2010 woop woop!). I mean the whole no-more-classes, big-ceremony, lots-of-family, lots-of-presents, i-can't-believe-i-did-it part is going to be a blast. Then a little bit of nausea sets in.. That would be due to the whole you're-a-big-girl-now, get-a-real-job, get-your-life-together, it's-all-on-you-now part... But whatever, I can totally handle it. (See how I am reassuring myself?)
In all seriousness, it's so weird to think that three years ago I was this nervous little freshman that didn't know my way around campus and now I am going through my last-everything. Last football season, last classes, last breaks (whick suuucks.) I know cue the violins right? Lo siento. I mean everybody goes through this at some point. I guess it just seems like it went by really quickly.
Ok, but all is not doom and gloom because being in the TV station has made me see that I could be pretty good at this stuff. I think once I get the hang of everything I'll be able to make my mark on this place and I'm sure I will have sufficiently prepared myself for whatever is yet to come.
I mean hey I made it through tuesday, that counts for something right?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

class? wait what?

Ok so haven't actually written since I was in Spain and that makes me very sad. I miss being there so bad, especially on rainy gross knoxville days like this one. oh for la playa.
I mean don't get me wrong I love a good storm. I actually knocked out for an hour listening to the thunder... but it never actually stormed, just got gross out and added to the general ugh-ness (technical term) of this day..
I don't know what my deal is this semester but I just cannot get myself to get in gear. I can't get motivated for school at all! I have gotten to the point well I will deliberately sit there and do nothing instead of working on stuff.... it has been a week.
One thing I am excited about though is my practicum at the TV station. It is going to be so interesting working there and actually getting real experience.. It was so surreal (and also slightly terrifying) being in the middle of the newsroom watching all this craziness going on around you thinking whoa this is what I am going to do one day, like in real life.
Anyways back to the whole not-loving-being-back-in-school thing.. I think it is really the Tuesdays and Thursdays that are going to kill me. Aside from it just being a really long day in general, there are just one or two classes that are just...ugh. Let's just say that the chemistry is not there... But at this point its really too late for me to do anything about it so i'll just be grinning and bearing it i guess. (well bearing it anyway)
I think I am just experiencing some type of senioritis slash oh-my-god-what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life slash wait-I-don't-just-get-to-bs-around-all-the-time? type deal.. I wonder if there's something you can take for that..
In the meantime it is almost the weekend and that means that I don't have to think about school until Sunday night. ish. And that will suffice for the time being.
cual era mi punto? quien sabe..

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hogueras has definitely started in Alicante! There were parades going on at 8 am this morning, and I wouldn't be surprised if those people had not slept yet.
This city is going crazy. There are food stands and vendors EVERYwhere.. and the strangest collection of people.. All kinds of roads are blocked off for the statues and the vendors, it looks like a completely different place. It's pretty cool.
Since we have less than a week left in Spain, our mission is basically just to cram as much beach time/fiesta time in as possible. This week we only have three days of class, one of which is the exam day. Yes we have to take exams, which assumes that we have to study for them in the middle of this massive party that Alicante is right now. It should be interesting.
It's so weird to think that this trip is almost over. It's kind of bittersweet. On the one hand I am kind of ready to be back in my element, and i miss everyone a lot. But on the other hand, this whole lifestyle is going to be so hard to leave, and it's going to suck not being able to just make a phone call and have at least 5 people meet you in 30 minutes to go hang out. But the good news is that everyone is from UT, so this trip will definitely not be the last of our fun.
I built this trip up for so long and it has been so amazing and kind of surreal, so it is going to be so strange when it is behind me. Kind of like a "did that really just happen?" kind of thing. Definitely the coolest thing i have ever done.
Today I am going to church in the barrio, which i am really excited about. I haven't been to church here yet and i know it is going to be so interesting. Later today i'm sure there will be more fiestas. I think right now is still kind of tame compared to what monday, tuesday, and wednesday are going to be. It's going to be crazy.
I don't know how many more posts I will be able to get up while I am here. I feel like these next 6 days are going to fly by in a blur of parades and burning statues and food and fiestas and music and beaches and trying to pack and pretending to do school stuff and maybe sleeping if i can squeeze it in. we shall see!